January 01, 2018

Goodbye, Cassini


Britt Scharringhausen Britt Scharringhausen Credit: Greg AndersonAs Cassini’s radio signal faded, then came back, and finally faded again for the last time, 在伯洛伊特大学桑格科学中心,由学生和教授组成的清晨守望派对见证了一个时代的结束. Cassini-Huygens, 在过去的二十年里,它一直绕着神秘的土星轨道收集信息, had signed off for good.

An international partnership between NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Italian Space Agency, 卡西尼号的任务被延长了两次:它的目的是通过监测土星的季节(每个季节持续七年)和它的卫星来了解更多关于土星的信息, like Titan, which has its own atmosphere.

Britt Scharringhausen, associate professor of physics and astronomy, hosted the 6:30 a.m. watch party. (NASA is on its own time, she says.)自2008年以来,她一直在和她的班级一起研究卡西尼号的F环数据.


答:当卡西尼号的数据开始传回来时,我已经在贝洛伊特了. 我不是卡西尼团队的成员,但我的研究生导师是. 他与设计观测环的小组一起工作. No one was studying the rings from the side, and I have the computer model, which I created in graduate school, 这张图显示了从侧面看最亮的光环的样子. He asked if I wanted the data. 我在研究项目之间,我爱上了这些数据.

Q: What data did you work with?

答:它来自两个仪器[望远镜]:一个可见光和红外测绘光谱仪(VIMS)和一个成像科学子系统(ISS)。. ISS had the narrow angle camera and the wide angle camera. 我主要研究VIMS数据,我的学生正在研究窄角相机数据.

Q: Why study Saturn’s F Ring?

A:实际上,它更深入地了解了所有行星是如何形成的, 是通过碰撞过程和万有引力. In our solar system, 据我们所知,这种类型的过程今天只在F环的日常基础上发生. There are a lot of studies on how the F Ring works in 2-D, 从上面往下看,假设所有的东西都在一个平面上, 但F环实际上是一个三维的地方——比其他环更三维, because it is so much thicker. 第三个维度对于理解F环中的碰撞和引力过程非常重要.

Q: How many rings does Saturn have?

A: Seven. 主要的环是A环、B环和C环,就是你在看照片时看到的那些环. F环就在A环的外面,然后是D环,E环和G环.

Q: Tell us about the Cassini watch party.

A: We started at 6:30 a.m. and watched the NASA live feed. 他们让科学记者采访参与这项任务的不同科学家和工程师. At the very end, 它正在观察地球上的望远镜通过两个波段接收到的无线电信号——X波段和S波段. 它只是在发回关于飞船健康状况、位置和速度的数据. 卡西尼号试图让它的天线朝向地球,有一段时间失去了X波段, then both feeds were lost as it lowered in the atmosphere.


A: Morgan Rehnberg’12 just finished his Ph.D. at the University of Colorado-Boulder, working with Larry Espesito, 他是卡西尼号土星任务中紫外观测仪器的首席研究员. The students who work with me learn about Saturn’s rings, of course, but they also learn the IDL programming language, which is popular among astronomers, 以及如何做光度学(测量天体图像中物体的亮度)和天体测量学(测量天体图像中物体的位置), all skills that are valuable in internships, graduate school, and other types of jobs.

Sara “Alex” Sans Fuentes’10 also got a Ph.D. from the University of Leuven in Belgium, 利用开普勒宇宙飞船的数据研究星系形成过程中的恒星形成. She started her research on rings with me, 但这展示了你如何从环跳到遥远的星系.

Q: How did you feel when Cassini signed off? 几个星期过去了,你现在感觉如何?

A: Cassini has provided us with a huge amount of data, much more than was planned for originally, 这要归功于一些很酷的编程技巧,这些技巧是在伽利略号执行木星任务期间学到的,后来被上传到卡西尼号上. We have enough data to dig through for a couple of decades. So, while it was sad to see Cassini go, 我们知道,就新发现和解决有趣科学问题的新数据而言,它超出了我们的预期.

从那以后,我发现自己对可能的土星系统新任务感到非常兴奋. There isn’t anything in the pipeline yet, 但该团体正在讨论重返土星的卫星, Titan and Enceladus. 土星是一个非常具有挑战性的目标,因为它离太阳太远了. It requires a huge amount of fuel to get there, it takes a long time for the spacecraft to reach Saturn, you can’t use solar power, and you have to engineer to work in a very cold environment. 但土卫六和土卫二是潜在的生命栖息地:土卫六因为它有厚厚的大气层和复杂的碳氢化合物水文循环, 以及土卫二,因为它有一个全球性的地下海洋,它以南极喷流的形式出现在土卫二上. 我希望卡西尼号的数据能给我们尽快返回土星的动力!

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