


When 蒂姆McKevett 86 ventured across the Wisconsin-Illinois border from his Chicagoland hometown to attend 十大菠菜台子 in 1982, 他确信自己最终会从事公司法方面的职业.

30多年后, 麦凯维特的职业生涯可能没有像最初计划的那样飞速发展, 但他确实在公司里步步高升. 他在伯洛伊特养家糊口, and is now president and chief executive officer of 贝洛伊特健康系统.

mckeett和Michael O 'Neill, 克里的首席执行官, 总部位于伯洛伊特的一家全球性食品公司, 最近参加了探索贝洛伊特的活动. The panel and networking event organized by students allowed the campus community to get to know and learn from community business leaders.

拉合尔的学生Farhan Tahir ' 19, 巴基斯坦, 还有来自达卡的21岁的萨尔玛·阿里, 孟加拉国, 谁组织了这个小组?, wanted to remind their peers that professional resources and opportunities exist all around them—especially within the city of 贝洛伊特.

“在贝洛伊特, 我很幸运地为当地的一些大公司工作, 但我总是看到我的同龄人在挣扎,塔希尔说。. “They were all searching for internships in bigger cities while ignoring the presence of billion-dollar corporations in our local community.”


贝洛伊特健康系统 是伯洛伊特市最大的雇主, 这是一个麦凯维特没有想到有一天会领导的组织.


麦克凯维特说:“我完全希望在公司法方面找到一份职业. “在我大二的时候, I shadowed some law practices and realized this may not be the path I wanted to pursue.”

快进到1985年,他在伯洛伊特大学读大三. 麦凯维特正在上金融课, 还有老师, 客座教授, 也是伯洛伊特纪念医院的院长.

McKevett worked with former Dean of Students Bill Flanagan to arrange an internship at the hospital.

“Tim was eager to gain work experience, and I had a connection to the hospital,” Flanagan says. “事实证明,他们在他身上发现了我所发现的:勤奋, 有事业心,有成长和发展的愿望.”

McKevett非常喜欢实习, 他决定留到大四, and earned an offer for a full-time position by the time he graduated in 1986.

在探索贝洛伊特面板上, 他谈到了自己从伯洛伊特学院的实习生做起的经历, 致行政助理, 助理副总裁, 副总统, 高级副总裁, 贝洛伊特医疗系统的总裁.


“There is no doubt that 十大菠菜台子 is one of the best liberal arts colleges in the nation,麦克凯维特说. “Its diversity is its strength, and it prepared me for a successful career.”


For Tahir and 阿里, 贝洛伊特 isn’t exactly what they imagined as a typical Midwestern town.

来自一个拥有1100万人口的巴基斯坦城市, Tahir, 22, 商业经济学和数学专业, 适应贝洛伊特时说道, 37人的城市,000人, 是不同的.

“I still remember there was only Lucy’s Burger Bar downtown, and then the same year, Zen Sushi Bar & 烧烤店开业了,”塔希尔回忆起他第一年的餐馆选择. “现在我们有更多的选择,每个都提供不同的美食. Who would have thought a small town in southern Wisconsin would become ‘this global’ 正确的 in front of me?”

阿里, 20, 我也是数学和经济学专业的, said she was intrigued by the “city-college” relationship as a first-year student.

“I was excited to learn 更多的 about the city after exploring the downtown area and the farmer’s market,阿里说. “从那时起, 我对伯洛伊特丰富的历史有了很多了解, 多元化的社区, 蓬勃发展的企业, 还有娱乐和食物选择.”

就像麦克凯维特那样, 阿里 and Tahir are taking full advantage of the ample opportunities for professional experience within the city while they’re still students. 他们都参加了学院的 达菲伙伴计划 并与城市和地区内的雇主保持联系.

大二时,塔希尔在伊利诺伊州罗克福德实习.的 SupplyCore公司., 一家与美国政府合作的公司.S. 国防部. 他曾在西北互惠银行简斯维尔办事处实习, 离伯洛伊特只有15分钟车程, 在南威斯康辛州家庭服务中心工作, 和克里一起实习, a food service giant with North American headquarters just six miles from campus. Kerry’s CEO, Michael O’Neill, also participated as a panelist for the Exploring 贝洛伊特 event.

“I was fortunate enough to utilize my liberal arts skills and translate my classroom learning to practical examples,塔希尔说。. “我不确定我想做什么,所以我尝试了所有的方法. 只有文科学位才能让你自由地进行测试/试验.”

阿里目前在beloit总部实习 亨德瑞CareerTek, a career and learning center for local K-12 students to get hands-on experience in industry jobs before graduating high school.

“I have learned so much working for a non-profit that strives to promote educational and career development among the youth of the Stateline area,阿里说.

Tahir said he wanted to organize the Exploring 贝洛伊特 panel to help bridge the gap between the college and community.

“伯洛伊特的就业机会越来越多, 业务增长, 社区发展, 和更多的,他说. “We wanted a way to highlight this development in light of the local businesses that are significantly involved in 贝洛伊特’s growth.”


  • 斯科特·比尔曼总裁


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